A New World Calls for a New Format

In this pandemic, there’s more information to consume than ever, so the format of Dropping In is changing. Those long-form articles that many of you love will now show up on places like Blooloop.com, Vending Times, Replay Magazine, INC.com and other websites. Here’s the most recent one about the impact of COVID-19 on Location-based VR.

It contains five key insights, including a survey from Seton Hall University on people’s attitude towards sporting events, which will give you a clue as to how they might be feeling about returning to location-based entertainment venues. Give it a read and let me know what you think.

You might be interested in subscribing to the replays of the hit new digital live stream: The Being Virtual Show on YouTube. Alicia Lavay, former President of Vending Times and Brand Director of Networld Media Group, wrote “I couldn’t love this more. It’s fabulous!”

Going forward, Dropping In will contain summaries of the major stories covered in that show.  It will be coming to you in more frequent, bite-size posts. I will continue to strive to be your resource for insights and advice as you move into this increasingly virtual world.

The state of the location-based entertainment industry right now was unimaginable a few weeks ago.  I was in New Orleans at Amusement Expo five weeks ago planning a new product launch for May 4 with a client. None of us has been here before. At times it’s sad and terrifying.

COVID-19 will spur innovation in location-based VR like the plague did for the the renaissance

Historians say that the renaissance was born out of the black plague. Constraint drives innovation. As an industry, none of us really know the full impact of COVID-19 on location-based VR. Leaders will use this time to reflect, recharge, reinvent, and relaunch into a better future. It will take time, and it will not be easy. But it will create new opportunities, new distribution channels, and new market leaders.

See also  VR Escape Rooms Exploding in Popularity

I look forward to seeing what you do on the other side of this dark time.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime with feedback. And not just the good stuff. I want to hear how this can be made better, more useful and meaningful to you because you’re what matters.

With love,
