AAA VR Games with Patrick O’Luanaigh; Leading in Complexity w/Dave Snowden; Theater Wars; The Being Virtual Show Ep5

VR games keep getting better. Half-Life: Alyx became the highest-earning VR game so far, earning $40MM for developer Valve. There are some big VR games coming out this year that could set new records. Tune if for an interview with nDreams CEO Patrick O’Luanaigh as he tells us about his outlook for VR, and his upcoming stealth action game Phantom: Covert Ops, where you navigate the virtual world in a kayak.

Movie Studios and theater exhibitors are in a life or death struggle for survival. Does it mean the death of the movie theater as we know it?

We’ve entered into a time of unprecedented complexity. I talk with Dave Snowden, creator of the Cynefin framework for managing in complexity. He offers practical steps to engage your teams to help think differently in this crazy world we’re in.

Employee communities are critical to happiness, and they’re being lost in the lockdown. Joanna Popper talks about how HP is using VR to maintain that sense of connection during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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