Posts Tagged ‘Virtual Conferences’
I Miss Our Trade Shows – So I’m Doing Something About It
If you’re like me, you’ve been to a few virtual events this year. I guess that most were just ok—lots of webinars, too many PowerPoints, and hardly any real meetings. But nothing that got me excited to really ShowUp. I miss our trade shows I was in New Orleans at the Amusement Expo in March…
Read MoreWhy Asking Why is the Key to Innovative Experience Design
In my last blog post on how to design entertainment experiences, I wrote about the importance of a holistic approach to experience design where you consider all of your stakeholders. But it’s not enough just to identify them. You need to engage with them to understand their needs, so you can design an experience that…
Read More5 Critical Components of Successful Experience Design
In a time when everything is changing, we all need to innovate the design of experiences we offer our customers. What we did last year is unlikely to work today. We’ve never seen anything like this in our lifetime. Well-worn best practices are suddenly obsolete, making innovation a required skill for survival. Innovation is not…
Read MoreRelaunch, Reboot, Reinvent with Bob Cooney, The Being Virtual Show Ep 8 (26:35)
Innovation is an existential skill for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet most business owners are focusing on everything but. Bob explains the innovation framework that he’s used for 7 successful startups and dozens of mentoring programs spanning a 30-year career of innovation. This is from the Relaunch, Reboot, Reinvent summit held virtually on July…
Read MoreCan VR Save the Planet with Doug Griffin, Jae Maloney – The Being Virtual Show Ep 7 (30:18)
The coronavirus pandemic has caused more harm than any other event in my lifetime. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives, and hundreds of millions negatively impacted by the global lockdown trying to prevent its spread. Like almost any dark cloud, there’s a silver lining. COIVID-19 has created the biggest AB test on our impact on…
Read MoreDoug Griffin from Loom.AI – Full Interview (37:12)
Working from home is here to stay. Jeffries Company CEO Rich Handler said “work and office are no longer inextricably linked.” But only a few weeks into the work from home paradigm shift things like Zoom fatigue are setting in. If this is going to be sustainable we need better tools for meetings, conferences and…
Read MoreMeet the Loomies, Doug Griffin (4:12)
Zoom fatigue is already setting in and we are only a few weeks into the work from home era. For remote work to be sustainable we need better tools for meetings, conferences and collaboration. Loom.AI is creating avatars that allow people to be more relaxed and comfortable in remote meetings. Join me as I speak…
Read MoreXR Investor Deep Dive – Pearly Chen, Martina Welkhoff, Angelo Del Prior, Ryan Wang (1:01:41)
VR Investors are bullish again. Raising money has always been one of the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. Without capital, many business ideas would never get off the ground. Bob Cooney has raised over $100 million in capital over 7 different successful startups. Today he interviews four of the leading VR Investors about…
Read MoreThe Being Virtual Show – Alan Smithson and Terry Schussler Full Interview
Alan Smithson, CEO of MetaVRse, and Terry Schussler, Sr. Director of XR for global telecom giant Deutsche Telecom, go deep into XR and 5G convergence, virtual avatars, remote collaboration, virtual conferences and more.
Read MoreVirtual Collaboration with Alan Smithson and Terry Schussler
Virtual Reality Collaboration: Alan Smithson, CEO of MetaVRse, and Terry Schussler, Sr. Director of XR for global telecom giant Deutsche Telecom talk about how virtual reality collaboration tools will change the way we come together for work and at conferences. Virtual avatars are a significant aspect of VR collaboration that needs to evolve quickly…
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