Only the Road Knows
Full Circle
In 2015 I quit my job and took off on a by now well-documented road trip in my old VW Campervan. There were many memorable moments during that journey of self-discovery. The first was driving northbound out of San Clemente on I-5 and trying to decide what to listen to on the stereo. Wolfmother cried…
Read MoreTipping isn’t a city in China
An old joke lobbed at restaurant customers in America that fail to leave a gratuity is “Tipping isn’t a city in China, you know!” America has by far the most pervasive tipping culture in the world. And as long as service workers are paid a non-living wage this will continue. Some restaurants in bigger cities…
Read MoreOff to Bali
I’ve been remiss in writing lately, but that’s been mainly intentional. So much has changed for me this year that I needed to find my voice again. Last year was about finding myself and letting that guide my direction. My path has taken me around the country and to Australia, Amsterdam, and England. Now I’m…
Read MoreStay Hungry. Stay Foolish
(Add steve jobs commencement you tube) In what is considered one of the greatest commencement speeches ever given, even if Aaron Sorkin did have a hand in penning it, Steve Jobs tells three stories to the graduating 2005 graduating class of Stanford University. All three of these stories have deep meaning for me. Steve talks…
Read MoreDeclare YOUR Independence
As I sit here in midtown Manhattan waiting for the fireworks to begin, I’ve been reflecting on the meaning of this holiday. As many of our holidays have, this one seems to have lost its relevance to me. From a historical perspective, we are celebrating our freedom from the tyranny and oppression from what is…
Read MoreIndependence Day
Hello friends, it’s been a while. I’m writing this from New York City, midtown Manhattan to be specific. I know my story left off in Tofino, at a music festival last summer. As you know, I fell behind in my travelogue. One of the effects that had was I was unsure of how to post…
Read MoreNew Interview on
This Man Dropped Everything To Turn A Simple Road Trip Into A Multi-Year, Multi-Continent Journey LIFE UPROXX “Bob Cooney is an interesting cat. For a long time, he lived the life that we’re all told to strive for. He had the 9-5. He had the house. But at some point, he realized he had a lot more…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Biggest Regret? Mine is….
Biggest regret video They placed a blackboard in NYC and asked people to write down their biggest regret in life. There was a very common theme in all the regrets: they were for things NOT done, actions NOT taken. What is your biggest regret in life. It is not living the life you were meant…
Read MoreDay 2 Tofino
I woke up to sun and airplanes taking off. The campground is right between the golf course and the airport. The airport is more like a runway, but it suffices. Most of the air traffic I have seen up here has been seaplanes. After a quick breakfast I decided to look for some surf. I…
Read MoreSamurai Swords, Alpacas and (Finally) Tofino!
Dan had introduced me via email to a couple of his friends that inhabited Vancouver island. One of them was a blacksmith who Dan insisted was one of the coolest dudes he knew, and his sense was that we would get along great. A few emails and text messages with instructions flew, and I pulled up…
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